Making a Difference in the Lives of Seniors

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” —Isaiah 6:8


Our Senior Adults work together in a group known as the “Primetimers.” They visit our sick or shut-in members as permitted by the member. They provide “Goody Bags” that the Youth and Seniors help put together for the shut-ins that may include pictures drawn from our Children’s Group at Elam, reading material, fruit, cookies, etc. They also offer support from the Bible to include Bible verses, discussions and prayers. This mission provided by the Senior church members is valued by the shut-in member and his/her family. The visit lifts their spirits and opens their hearts up to God and His word while at home.

If you are interested in helping visit the shut-ins at home or wish to donate cookies or fruit, please contact Mrs. Debbie Scarbrough by calling Elam Baptist Church Office at 478-986-3794. The Prime Timers meet one Monday per month for visitation. Always check our church calendar for current dates/times.


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